Call for entries

Finally there is an innovative opportunity to get paid for your own art work AND for helping other artists at the same time. SHRED D’ART wants you to submit your work of art and we will pick six of the most convincing pieces out of all entries. These six artworks will be presented at the SHRED D’ART exhibition at the gallery Schau Fenster in Berlin-Kreuzberg. During the vernissage, every exhibited artist receives 1200,- Euro for his or her work. Afterwards the piece of art will be devalued and withdrawn from the market – it will get shredded.


What is the SHRED D’ART event for?

The art market flourishes, but the artists aren‘t part of the boom.

1. The amount of artworks grows uncontrolled. However, only a steady minimal share gets sold. Therefore on average the value of a single artpiece declines. Just think of gold: the more is mined the cheaper it gets/the less its worth.

2. From the moment the artists have sold their work, they (creators) stop being part of the financial cycle. Their piece of art turns into an asset with its own shareholder value independent of the artist him/herself. Capital growth and financial benefits are out of their hands. Funds for financing new artworks is missing.

SHRED D’ART solves this twofold problem that is at the expense of the artists alone: SHRED D’ART initiates the payment for artists AND withdraws the art product from the market. The artists are paid fairly and simultaneously the market gets relieved. As a result artists themselves start to receive higher prices for their work.

Conditions of participation:

How to apply?

Please send an image of the artwork you want to submit and a text explaining why your art piece could easily gain 1200,- Euro at the art market. The length of this text is up to you, but remember: word count is not important, simple and concise statements are often the best ones.

Closing date for submissions:
31st December 2017

Please send it to:
subject: SHRED D’ART yourname

What is needed for the application:

1. an image of the work you have created
-> jpeg, width: 15 cm, 300 dpi
-> filename: yourname_image.jpg

2. an explanation why this piece can gain up to 1200,- Euro at the art market.
Additionally we need further details about the artwork.
-> title, year of origin, dimensions, material
-> filename: yourname_text.doc

3. . your cv
-> filename: yourname_vita.doc

4. your valid email address

5. your name

Participation requirements for the applicants:

- VThe conditions for the reimbursement of 1200,- Euro per art work is the success of the SHRED D’ART - Crowdfunding - campaign on Startnext and the consent of the artist to the devaluation of their work through SHRED D’ART.
- The application is digital only. Please do not submit originals! The documents and works submitted by the artists cannot be send back.
- SHRED D’ART is released from any third-party liability claims.
- The participant confirms with their submission to SHRED D’ART, to have all of the rights on the art work and on the photos which are submitted. Additionally for images showing persons, the artist need to have the release by the persons to show these images work.
- There are NO restrictions regarding gender, age, education, social or cultural background of the artist.

Further conditions of entry:

- The artisits are solely responsible for delivery and collection of their submitted art work. SHRED D’ART does not reimburse any costs related to it. However we aim to support you with any means within the limits of our capacities.
- In case of the artist submitting any other art work than the one previously selected s/he is neither entitled to the reimbursement of 1200 Euros nor to the devaluation of the work.
- SHRED D’ART reserves itself the right to use the submitted images and texts for promotional, endorsement, advertising or merchandising purposes in print, media and online.